Dr. Abrar Ali Saiyed

Abrar Ali Saiyed

Dr. Abrar Ali Saiyed is a seasoned academic professional specializing in Entrepreneurship and Strategy, currently serving as an Assistant Professor. With a robust academic background, he recently accepted the prestigious role of Associate Professor at the University of Glasgow’s Adam Smith School of Business, a globally recognized institution in the UK and in the World.

Prior to his tenure at Ozyegin University, Dr. Saiyed held a position as an Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategy at the Amrut Mody School of Management, Ahmedabad University, India. His academic journey includes earning a Fellowship in Management (Ph.D.) from the esteemed Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA).

His expertise spans strategic management, entrepreneurship, and international business, enriched by teaching experiences across various prestigious institutions such as Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) in Ahmedabad, Calcutta, Indore, Shillong, Kashipur, Sambalpur, Jammu, and Trichy. Dr. Saiyed’s innovative teaching methodologies have garnered attention, notably his highly regarded course “Sociology of Bazaar,” recognized in leading Indian newspapers. His commitment to excellence in education was acknowledged with the Chairman’s Best Teacher Award from Ahmedabad University in 2018-19.

Dr. Saiyed extends his expertise beyond academia, actively engaging with diverse sectors. He has conducted training programs for craft artisans in Gujarat’s Kutch region and mentored numerous SMEs, family businesses, executives from top corporations, and scientists/R&D managers from leading research institutions.

Abrar Ali Saiyed

His research pursuits focus on innovation and internationalization within Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Family Businesses, and Entrepreneurial Firms. Dr. Saiyed has showcased his research prowess through presentations at prestigious conferences and secured research grants from reputable entities such as Azim Premji University, DFID UK, and Ramapo College of New Jersey. He has contributed to esteemed journals, including the Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Journal of Business Research, and International Business Review, among others, and serves as a reviewer for several international journals.

He actively participates in initiatives related to technology, innovation, and economic research, affiliating with renowned institutions such as the Center for Technology, Innovation, and Economic Research and serving as a subject expert in MSME panels.

Notably, Dr. Saiyed is dedicated to fostering leadership in Indian women as the Research Director of the LedBy Foundation. His consultancy experience spans over 12 years, collaborating with a diverse array of organizations, including MNCs, NGOs, governmental bodies, SMEs, and startups, driving impactful change and growth.

His entrepreneurial spirit shines through his founding roles in organizations such as the Heritage Club at IIM Ahmedabad and the Association of Entrepreneurs, providing guidance and mentorship to over 10,000 members. His commitment to promoting entrepreneurship is further highlighted by his involvement in programs supported by the US Consulate General India, focusing on women entrepreneurs.

Recently, Dr. Saiyed secured a substantial grant of 1.2 million euros for the HEI Initiative: Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education, led by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). As a key figure in this initiative, he is spearheading effortsto establish an entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem for international students, aiming to train 150 students and support the creation of eight startups.

Dr. Abrar Ali Saiyed is a multifaceted academician, consultant, and thought leader dedicated to advancing entrepreneurship, fostering innovation, and empowering women through education and strategic interventions.