Adv. Mehtab Nasir M. Saiyed
Advocate [ Gujarat High Court]
- Worked in Banking Sector (Credit Lyonnais and HDFC Bank) for about 3 years i.e. from the Year – 2006 to 2009.
- Worked in Nazir (Accounts) Branch of Gujarat High Court for 10 years i.e. from the Year – 1999 to 2009.
- Practicing as a Lawyer in Gujarat High Court since the Year – 2009 and conducted Criminal, Civil, Service matters, P.I.Ls. and in other fields of Law.
- Also conducted cases in other sub-ordinate Courts i.e. Sessions Court, Metropolitan Court, Consumer Tribunal, Debt Recovery Tribunal and other District Courts of Gujarat State.
Criminal Law, Civil Law, Service Law, Family Law, Banking Law and various other Laws including Drafting, Deeds, Agreement, Writ Petitions, Affidavits and other Law related Compositions.

- Totally believe in the proverb “Hard Work pays, Costs nothing”.
- Command over English language.
- Drafting of any type of pleadings etc.
- Dedicated to the work assigned.
- Conducting the matters with body and soul.